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Aric Thoughts #21

Hey everyone welcome to the World of Aric Thoughts I hope everyone is enjoying with their precious time because the moment when human body is born it begins dying , some happen faster & some happens slower .Thus every single day how many seconds we waste it never realize. Time is priceless but the most important commodity in this world is time  though as i said  '' love your priceless time in your life journey without expectation and imagination.'' when someone asked 'what's the biggest mistake we make in life ' the buddha replied - the biggest mistake is we think we have time  Time is free but its priceless you can't own it but you can use it  you can't keep it but you can spend it and once it gets lost you can't get it back . lets have an example   If i gave you 86400 $ every single day but at the end of the day it will vanished so what will you do some of us will spend all the money or some will be smart enough to utilize with some
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Aric Thoughts #20

Hey, everyone welcome to the World of Aric Thoughts as I know everyone is happy with this New Year me as well but since this New Year everyone’s face has tensed because the year has changed but the situation remains the same for everyone and it seems everyone is tired of their life but as I said  One Perfect Opportunity & Life will change Try Harder, Even if You Fail, Try again  Don’t give up easily man it’s life. Everyone has a difficult situation , difficult paths you must know every successful person had gone through the process of failure, but they stand again and again giving their 100% for one single successful life. You have to just keep working hard. One day opportunity will stand before you . If you want to change, you have to work hard every single day only 20% people give their 80% of energy to their work to have a change in their life. Just don’t give up easily.  Did you know how many letter ‘o’ are there in word tomorrow? If you notice there are 3 ‘o’ Lett

Aric Thought's #18

Welcome you all to the World of Aric Thought's.  Hey guys , I hope everyone is healthy in this pandemic corona because most of the people had lost their favorite ones in early period of life. Everyone was emotional in this phase suffering from various mental illness and pyscological stress . Everytime when anyone is sad or upset with his/her life they used to get emotional and sometimes express their emotion with tears. 80% girls cry for any reason and most of the boys try to hide his emotion everytime because as i said .. " Crying infornt of people is like bleeding next to shark." Thus boys and girls try to keep your emotion with you,no one cares . Real fact is people try to use your feelings as well as tears for their good sake. In my life I lost my special ones but on that day  I was weakened but never expressed my feeling to any closed one .Some people start overcaring and some start to use you with sympathy .Always remember its your life you have to stood whe

Aric Thought's #19

  Hey everyone once again welcome to the World of Aric Thought , Hope everyone is good and healthy Here I have new message to the people who get attached easily with the things and got habitual with them. I have seen many people who geniuenly depend on things and sometimes someone among us got dependency on living being.and as time pass they got hurt with the same person .  In everyone life someone is special and people urge that he/she must be present at every moment . thus people gets dependent on that person.  But as i said , '' Don't depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.'' everyone who enter in this world has to live alone and die alone ,no one is going to save you even your special one can't help you in your last stage .one day everyone have to leave this world but if you are dependent on anyone and he left before you then you have to face many cannot handle the sit

Aric thought's #17

Welcome all to the World of Aric Thought's. Beautiful art of love is only present in the world best person of our life, That is our Happiest Innocent  Mother. Mother is the beauty of entire life therefore I said, "We are born of love , love is our mother." We can live happy as much as our mother blessing with us. Its different kind of achievement when you see a smile on your mother's face with your success. Power of mother is way far too cross by anyone. She is our life creator, most loveable , filled with lots of emotions , caring , heartfulness . Mother attachment is very sensitive in the world , everyone in this world must love his /her mother . Everyone's mother is special and being a mother of someone is biggest happiness ever . Hope you also love your mother so go and have a tight hug and see her beautiful smile. Follow my insta page  Aric thought's  and let me know your love towards by sending a heart ♥ in comment section. Also watch out

Aric Thought's #16

Welcome to the World of Aric Thought's. The fact that every middle class category face a loneliness character once in a lifetime. Hope you would agree with me as I said, Loneliness is a special enjoyment ,when chosen by ourself but hard to digest she gifted by other. Loneliness ,its a brilliant character when chosen by ourself because it keeps you live in the world and let you enjoy the world as much you can without limits. But , sometimes loneliness made you weak also it make you fall from your level of success just because it came up by others as someone left behind you.its hard to digest as time pass away. All this character of loneliness is just matter of emotional feelings its upto you how you see the entire world being alone.Try to be happy positive life. Hope you love the fact of loneliness from thoughts world. Follow us on our Instagram  aric thoughts Let us know your view in comment box.

Aric Thought's. #15

Welcome to the World of Aric Thought's . Life is totally depend on our way of thinking so be focus. As the generation changes the thinking changes .so as I said, "Not everyone will understand your journey and that is just fine you focus on your path and let other focus on their own". You should try working hard on your path of success ,thinking about other is just waste of precious time. Be focus on life , enjoy the journey with lots of happiness. Trust yourself and understand the concept of life and get over it with hige success. Hope you would be more focus onwards from this thought's. Follow my Instagram account  aric Thoughts Let me know your view in comment section.