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Showing posts with the label Pics_thought's


  Life to the Pics_thought's ..  Pics.... What?   yes many of you would confuse for such word... Anyone can think it about any photo, image, album.. But for my small life it's different PICS .. Which connect to the World   of thought's . P - Positive attitude I -  Innovative idea C - Creative mind S - Successful life....    This is actually PICS look like for my world .  Most of the people in this world lack their thought process due to their day to day life work. In this life 3 most common factor for which human being work for .... FOOD ,SHELTER AND CLOTHES... Due to this factor every person in this world had struggle , stress, presusure , responsibility, tension, which make them demotivated when they fail to achieve this factor. Every person intend to have satisfied life , but  80% of the population is demotivated never get satisfied with life. only 20% population make themselves thoughtful and satisfied in every situation of their life. and they are only mos