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Aric Thought's #18

Welcome you all to the World of Aric Thought's. 

Hey guys , I hope everyone is healthy in this pandemic corona because most of the people had lost their favorite ones in early period of life. Everyone was emotional in this phase suffering from various mental illness and pyscological stress .

Everytime when anyone is sad or upset with his/her life they used to get emotional and sometimes express their emotion with tears. 80% girls cry for any reason and most of the boys try to hide his emotion everytime because as i said ..

" Crying infornt of people is like bleeding next to shark."

Thus boys and girls try to keep your emotion with you,no one cares . Real fact is people try to use your feelings as well as tears for their good sake.

In my life I lost my special ones but on that day  I was weakened but never expressed my feeling to any closed one .Some people start overcaring and some start to use you with sympathy .Always remember its your life you have to stood whenever you fall ,the only person who can understand your real tears is YOU.

So if you feel emotional just do the things which you love the most. In my life's experienced whenever I felt emotional , I usually talk to myself for long hours ,complaining mistake or feelings to myself first and then I had a connection with nature's natural things which literally freshen up my mind and comeback with new intention ,new happy life. Its totally your life you must understand yourself because every thought belongs to day you will strong enough to have control on your feelings which might make your life more perfect than you imagine.

Hope you would understand the fact of emotional life , don't cry for anyone or anything ,just let it go .
everything happen for reason in life so go with the flow .

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