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Aric thought's #14

  Welcome all to The world of Aric Thought's Soul of happiness comes after having very trustful friend. This is very short span of life and we have to enjoy this life until last moment.  The most interesting fact that makes you more happier is having a good friend.  As I said. Here " It's better to have a single friend than a group of fake friendship " In this life you cannot trust anyone easily because  Trust is most expensive thing in this world.  We always have 80:20 rule.. In life.. As 80% people use us for their satisfaction and 20 % follow us for their own satisfaction.  No one want to stay or enjoy with you but  One friend make you feel of your existence. One friend make you happy in your sad mood.  One friend make you positive in critical situation.  One friend entertains you, support youin your pain, work with you for your success.  Having a trustful friend is just life time happiness. 🔥🔥 So always have a trustful friend rather than a group of f

Aric thought's #13

A warm good morning to all and welcome to World of Aric Thought's. Sometimes it hard you understand life but As i   This is actually life fact that...  " Some people come into our life just to teach How to let go. " We always put ourself in the confuse state and indirectly it make our life confuse.  Am I doing right thing?   Why I felt lonely?  What to understand and why ?  Why I am here . ?  Are people think right about me. ?  Will I be able to achieve my goal?  Such question are always form in every single person's mind. But it has been solved by some other people by teaching us how to let go.  Their experience Their behavior Their precious time  Their attention Their success  Their understanding  Their ego  All these things makes us understand that we should let go (drop down, keep away) from our life .  Everyone is busy in their life so don't depend on other for their time and wealth.. Just let it go. And enjoy your own company.  Hope y

Aric thought's #12

Hey everyone welcome to the World of Aric Thought's .. We are concerning with life study and there is always one situation where everyone take a pause .. So we are going to understand that  As this Thought explain you the two key words of life which all are going through.  No. 1 Stress  No. 2 passion  As I said.. In very simple language...  "  Working hard for something we don't care about is called Stress .  Working hard for something we love is called Passion. " Understand the difference between stress and passion of your life.  ∆ Whenever you are forced to do any work without any intention it's leads to stress on life.  ∆ When you have intention and your intrest in particular sector it leads to your passion .  You just need to find out the good way to have happy life.. With your memorable success. And  you can just believe in yourself and think for good intention.  Have a great evening and many more thoughts will come and go. Just k

Aric thought's #11

Welcome all to the World of Aric Thought's So basically we all are connected with each other by some kind of attachment and this attachment create various thoughts in life..  As I said, life is all about attachment to the particular thing,  so always remember that,  "Never get attached  too much with anyone  Only they are responsible for your tears" Once you attached with someone never ever make them a priority otherwise it hurts you at the last.  No one cares onces you got ignored by the person you are attached with .They only hurts you. No one in this world lasts till your last moment so be independent & don't get too attached to someone. Try to learn this life lesson because the moment you will need your favorite person & if you find he/she unavailable, you will be destroyed, it will hurt a lot. A person who make you smile in very first moment are the one who make you cry. So understand the life fact. And stay with positive attitude.  That's

Aric thought's #10

Welcome you all to the World of Aric Thought's  Hope you all have a great day... Enjoy the evening with interesting thought.  This thought make my life great, because as I speak I think first,as  I used my time i think about it and whenever I trusted anyone I think positive and negative feedback. This happens when you think that..  Nothing last forever, as Word after you speak .  Time after it gone .  Trust after it break.  One word is very important to break or heal you so think whenever you speak..  One moment of your time is very important because at the end of day after 24 hr you have new life new time.. So use your 24 hr wisely.  Most important and expensive thing in life is trust once it break no one can think again so have positive and negative feedback to trust anyone.  This is life which will make you more positive and thoughtful towards your success.  That's all for today hope you would got something to listen about life .  Let me know your view about t

Aric thought's #9

Welcome all to the World of Aric thought's Nothing is more important than your positive life so think again.....  Everyone in this world have fear of losing, fear of failure, fear of everything whi h make us nervous . But if you think about fear.. As I said,                      FEAR Forget everything and Run or  Forget everything and Rise Choice is yours.  It's life you have to make a choice to live this world. Once Buddha said..  Fear does not prevent death, it prevents life.  Fear is always present in our mind just we have to make choice between positive fear and negative fear..  FEAR push your limit just have a right choice..  That's it from aric thought's.. Let me know your view by which fear you are going through.. In comment section and share as much you can ⭐ Check out my insta page  Aric thought's   ... Have more interesting thought's. 

Aric thought's #8

Hey everyone I hope you have a great day now make yourself knowledgeable with  World of Aric Thought's.  Keep this attitude of never giving up., this is life you have to adjust with every situation and as I said,  Rejection leads to success  Failure leads to success  Without any failure and rejection no one gets successful.   It's life rule.. .. Never give up..  You have to believe and keep this attitude.. Of Never Giving up..  Did You Know Jack ma was rejected 35 times for the job but now he comes under the world richest persons. Did You Know  Elon Musk got simultaneous failure in his life but he never give up and now he is the world's no.1 richest person .  All I want to say that you have to believe in yourself, keep yourself positive and have Never Giving Up  Attitude..  It's life Only Rule... Never Quit.  Hope you would have goosebumps of this attitude, so do comment your view how you feel and share as much you can..  ⭐  aric_thought's   have more