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Showing posts with the label #thought #dependent #dark

Aric Thought's #19

  Hey everyone once again welcome to the World of Aric Thought , Hope everyone is good and healthy Here I have new message to the people who get attached easily with the things and got habitual with them. I have seen many people who geniuenly depend on things and sometimes someone among us got dependency on living being.and as time pass they got hurt with the same person .  In everyone life someone is special and people urge that he/she must be present at every moment . thus people gets dependent on that person.  But as i said , '' Don't depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.'' everyone who enter in this world has to live alone and die alone ,no one is going to save you even your special one can't help you in your last stage .one day everyone have to leave this world but if you are dependent on anyone and he left before you then you have to face many cannot handle the sit